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Leo Fischer, Masters in Nutrition & Certified Nutritionist 

Hi there! I am Leo, a nutritionist and health coach located in Portland, but I travel throughout Oregon and Washington State to do home visits and presentations. I have my Master's in Nutrition/Dietetics and I am also a registered and certified nutritionist in Washington/Oregon State. On the side I do rock climbing and old-growth tree climbing instructing in cooperation with the state park system. Check out my climbing business But back to nutrition! I love nerding out about the science and research behind nutrition, it is an extremely powerful health tool overlooked by too many of us and our health care system. I keep updated on the latest information and research to bring you the best advice and results! I look forward to working with you :)

Guaranteed Results or Your Money Back

I guarantee my work because I am confident in my abilities and want you to be reassured while working with me. If you do not get results from following my recommendations, I will give you a 100% refund. Read more about my guarantee here.

What is Nutrition/Dietetics?

Nutrition and dietetics is the branch of knowledge concerned with the diet and food, and its effects on health or growth. Especially with the practical application of the science and art behind understanding the role of nutrition in human health and disease. It is my mission to help people to achieve their health goals and reverse or prevent disease states with nutrition.


Did You Know?

That 90% of chronic diseases, like diabetes and heart disease are preventable with nutritional lifestyle choices and that dietary/nutritional risk factors are the number one contributing cause of death in the U.S. (1)(2)

Book an Appointment


"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." - Ann Wigmore

You will notice that the more sessions you purchase gives greater discounts. I do this intentionally to incentivize people to commit to long term nutritional lifestyle changes. This saves you money in the long run and it is also important because research shows that nutritional health outcomes are far more successful if you have 6 or more sessions with a nutrition professional and optimal if you have 10 or more sessions in a year. (1)

  • 3-Session-Package

    Valid for 3 months
  • 4 Session Package

    Valid for 6 months
  • Best Value

    6 session package

    Valid for one year

Value Session Packages


New Client
Specialties and Focuses
Types of Sessions
My Philosophy
Cheese at Market

New Clients 

The new client consultation is a special price, that includes three 1-hr sessions for $199.


Generally first session includes an intake session where I will ask a lot of question to get a better sense of your needs, circumstance, and goals. The other two sessions target your goals and provides recommendations. The other sessions could include video calls, in person consultation at home, tea/coffee shops, participating clinic, cooking lesson at home, and grocery store tours. We will discuss together what location and type of sessions would be best for you next.



This is not a comprehensive list so feel free to contact me about specific diagnoses. If I do not feel comfortable consulting you, I have no problem referring you to someone that I know who specializes in your needs.

My Specialties & Focuses


  • Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol

  • Family Nutrition

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) 

  • Diabetes Type 2, Prevention & Management

  • Weight Loss

  • Sports Nutrition

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

  • Chronic Disease Management & Prevention 

  • Environmental Nutrition

  • Vegan & Vegetarian Lifestyles

  • Cancer Prevention and Management

  • Paleo and Keto Lifestyles

  • Nutrition Genetics

  • Whole Food Life Style

  • Culturally Appropriate Nutrition

  • Life Extension Science of Nutrition

Healthy Food

Types of Sessions

After the new client intake consultation you will want at least monthly follow-ups to stay on top of progress.


How long are sessions? 

My sessions are usually one hour long. Extra time will be charged at the same hourly rate, if we want to tailor sessions and make them longer. Unless it is my fault for going over time, then there is no additional charge, which does happen.


What are sessions and what could they include?

After the New Client Consultation, I will tailor sessions to your needs, and we can determine together what your sessions include for the purpose of achieving goals and the best results. Sessions could include home visits that that monitor health number likes blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose. They could also include consultations about tips and strategies for targeting goals, grocery store tours, cooking classes, food preparation technique, environmental food changes, food science workshops, or even me acting as a personal chef for you!  


Guaranteed Results

I will only offer to help if I know I can help you achieve results. I will be up-front about the results you should expect to see and when to see them. Evidence based nutrition works, I know this because of research and from my history of success with past clients. I am confident enough in my abilities and the power of nutritional changes that I want to reassure you with a 100% refund, all money back, if we do not achieve results together. 


**However, there are a few caveats. The nutritionist and client relationship is two ways. Both compromisation, and patience are necessary for change. You must allow enough time for the body to biochemically adjust, which means you need to work on progress for at least half a year to see results. Also if you do not put into effect and make the nutritional lifestyle changes I suggest, we will not achieve the results you want and the money back guarantee will not apply because of lack of adherence to my recommendations. 


Otherwise get ready for some amazing life changes with lots of health and energy ahead!

Healthy Green Smoothies
Pieces of Chocolate

My Philosophy

Nutrition is far more complex than most people think and healthy changes in nutrition has little to do with counting calories or the newest diet. For weight loss, counting calories gives a false sense of control and is almost always inaccurate. In order for nutritional lifestyle changes to be successful you cannot depend on the traditional standard diets, plans, and standard of care. It is well researched that 95% of all diets fail. It is my job to create a supportive process that sets priorities, establishes goals, and creates individualized action plans. This process will be based on the most recent evidence and information in the developing field of nutrition science.


Success comes from long lasting, persistent practice, and broad holistic nutritional changes in behavior, environment, education, and food lifestyles.


"It takes more than a good body, you need the heart and soul to go with it." -Epiticous



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